Thursday, November 3, 2011

Always something new at the doc appointment

Found out what is causing the pain on my right side and back...I have shingles.  It is developing into a nasty rash that I can only describe as the feeling of a constant brush burn/chemical burn.  Itchy and painful and incessant.  I have to take an antiviral med to try to lessen the length and severity.  I hope Peanut does not get chicken pox from this...just not up to helping her through that right now.  

Oh, and I am 39 weeks pregnant today.  Baby is big and active.  Baby is at moderate risk for shoulder dyslocia complication during delivery...the plan is to keep on waiting, next appt is Monday, but I could elect a c-section (which I wont) or induction at 40 weeks.  Let's see how the weekend goes...

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