Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The fun never ends

Our 4 month old fridge died on Monday and is supposedly now fixed...not feeling too confident in that GE customer service.  
I was driving home from work in NJ this afternoon at a high speed in the left lane of I95, cars all around and no shoulder, when my car seemed to slip and then wouldn't accelerate.  The darn 2011 with only 14000 highway miles on it died.  I had to slow down as much as possible *while in the left lane of I95* and get onto the grassy median...*no shoulder*.  I called for service and a tow and waited.  Hot, thirsty, having to pee, and stressed out beyond belief.  Felt like a sitting duck, car was shaking as everyone whizzed right past me.  I have never had a car break down while traveling at 80mph...not something I want to experience again.  Well, Ian met me and the tow at the local Ford dealer...he was nice and got me a cold ice tea as I was very thirsty and hadn't had a chance to eat my afternoon snack (have to regulate my blood sugars now)... 90% through that drink I realized it was not diet and was a sugary bomb to my diabetes regulation...boy that was a crappy feeling and a fitting end to my day.  If my stupid car isn't the death of me these days, then stress surely will be.  Just can't catch a break it seems.  I have been taking this gestational diabetes so seriously, but it is hard when stress and others undermine your efforts.  I don't want to take meds for it...ironic as I work for a pharma that has a decent presence in the diabetes med market.

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