Saturday, September 10, 2011

31 weeks

This second pregnancy has been so much different...and even now towards the end it continues to defy my expectations.  I have had quite a few more doctors appointments - more tests, more monitoring, more ultrasounds.  My cyst has grown a little bit - most of the time these darn things resolve during pregnancy and I am beginning to be terrified of the potential pain post delivery as this thing may get twisted.  This week I had a urine culture for a potential urinary tract infection and also began a special diet/ monitoring for gestational diabetes.  With my family history and the weight gain from my first pregnancy, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, but it sure does suck.  My fingers are sore already from the finger sticks - so in addition to the numbness I experienced last time, I now have tiny bruising and soreness on each finger.  I can't even attempt any jewelry right sleepless nights are spent reading on my phone.  Running out of websites.  I also am starting to get a very itchy rash on my belly.  Anyone who enjoys pregnancy is either crazy or luckier than me.  For me, this is a means to an end...and not an enjoyable process.  The baby is about 3.5 lbs now and seems to be healthy from the scans. I would like to decorate his room - never got to do that for Peanut- but Ian is still trying to finish projects at the Philly house before we can really dive into the new house projects.  I am really afraid we are running out of time - in more ways than one:  before the baby arrives and also his contract patent work has dried up, so the financial picture is scary once again.  Have I cursed this economy yet today?  We absolutely must add heat to the sunroom - that is a project that must be completed before winter and we have to order oil for the furnace...gotta shop around for the best prices.  I haven't had to worry about oil for 10 years, since living in MA.  I miss gas already and it isn't winter yet!.
Fingers are numb...gotta quit now.

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