Sunday, August 15, 2010

Yes, dogs are WAY better than people...

The past nine days have been shitty to say the least...having to put down two of my labs really is a horrible thing. They were my furry children to say the least.

To add insult to injury, my estranged sister (hate even calling her that word) decided to post a nasty, though subtle, response to my mother's facebook status. She pointedly left me out of her fake words of sympathy. She pointed out THREE times that she felt sorry for my mom and dad. This may seem like not a big deal at all, but consider the following to put it into context: she hardly ever writes anything on facebook - says she prefers to call over the phone etc; she could give a shit about my two dogs, in fact, she barely cares for animals in general; and she responded after I had responded, knowing full well that I would see her comment as it was emailed to me as an update. I was pointedly absent from her empty words of sympathy. It was a definite slight against intentional dollop of salt in a very painful wound.

She claims I am the "bad one," that I live a life she doesn't like or approve of. I am the bad influence to her children. Well, I take comfort in knowing that I would NEVER act like her. That I do not have that bitterness and evil in my soul. She will have to live with herself. Quite frankly, she is very wrong.

I take solace in the fact that I rescued Sadie (and Thomas the cat) from her. She is not worthy of owning and caring for such goodness on this earth. I am going to work hard at forgetting her negativity...I don't want it tainting the goodness of Hailey and Mocha.

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