Friday, August 6, 2010

Goodbye Hailey

Watching you go was by far the hardest
thing I have ever had to do. You have
always been such a sweet girl, though
sometimes a little barky and stubborn.
I can remember the day I picked you out
in the DE shelter as if it were yesterday
though it was 11.5 years ago. Ginger isn't
the same without you - you were her best
friend as well as mine. Who will lead the
pack in howling?
We miss you already and are thankful to
have spent so many years with such a
great dog. You were more than just a were our family. Love you very
much, big H! I hope you can swim and
bark and chew bones to your hearts content
wherever you are...see you again someday!
I'll scratch your ears and rub your belly!

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