Monday, August 30, 2010

Big girl

Legs are getting even longer!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Husky circle pose

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Sunday nap

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Partners in crime

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Sleepy time

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Life of luxury...

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Drinking and. Carousing at the Outback

Annette hits the town for some ribs and drinks on a Friday evening...

Pup in attack mode

The pack


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So proud of herself

Standing with help from daddy

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Thursday, August 26, 2010


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Sadie lady

looks so innocent while she is sleeping...

Gram is walking her granddoggy, Naida

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The new pup certainly likes Sadie.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Lab rainbow

What a beautiful sight.

Learning the bad ways...

…From her big sister, Ginger. Naida is being taught to watch out the front door and terrorize anyone (including the mailman and UPS driver) that dares to cross in front of our house.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Mommy is working from home...

...and sitting outside with her laptop while everyone else naps!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer trying to intimidate Luna

Sadie's buddy

Fun outside on a hot day

no bloodshed yet...

Well, Ian has made it 3.5 hours by himself watching the new pup and Peanut all by himself.  He just sent me my mid-morning status far everyone looks good.  I fed the dogs this morning before I left so that Mike Tyson (aka Sadie) did not help herself to the puppy ear buffet.  Ian just has to make it until I get home...then I am working from home tomorrow and then the weekend!  I hope to cram lots of dog training in during that time...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Someone does not want to be crate trained


Major dog nap

Sadie likes Naida


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Naida and Luna


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Poor Ian...

He just sent this picture to me at work with the subject:  One handful of a child.

She looks like she is giving him total attitude...

and the pack returns to its regular size...

Ian is over the moon...picking up our (or is it his?) new pup early tomorrow morning. My Mom has picked up the large breed puppy food for us - as this pup is going to be big...and I mean big. She is half Newfoundland, half pure bred black lab. She is gorgeous and is going to have the best temperament! We are naming her Naida (pronounced Nyduh) which means water nymph...because she is bound to LOVE the water.

She is being rescued from a shelter in Tennessee, and will be transported up with a bunch of other dogs to the New England region - we are meeting them at a stop in PA fortunately.

Ian found her and fell in love because she reminded him of Hailey. Now, she is not intended to replace Hailey, that is impossible. But now there is one less suffering puppy in the world! And more happiness for us and our pack...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A little more thought...

I have taken a few hours to calm down since feeling so hurt from my sister's posting. I cannot fathom how she could twist my pain into something as ugly as her personal take my pain and hurt for my sweet pups and make it something ugly...something about herself. I don't know why she cannot stand not having the limelight at all times...even when it involves death and pain. Hailey and Mocha are not about her or her need for attention. They had absolutely no connection to her. They are about unconditional love and loyalty.
They were amazing dogs...we had the kind of bond that you see in the movies. Nicole can't tarnish that. I love them both and will always feel their absence.

Yes, dogs are WAY better than people...

The past nine days have been shitty to say the least...having to put down two of my labs really is a horrible thing. They were my furry children to say the least.

To add insult to injury, my estranged sister (hate even calling her that word) decided to post a nasty, though subtle, response to my mother's facebook status. She pointedly left me out of her fake words of sympathy. She pointed out THREE times that she felt sorry for my mom and dad. This may seem like not a big deal at all, but consider the following to put it into context: she hardly ever writes anything on facebook - says she prefers to call over the phone etc; she could give a shit about my two dogs, in fact, she barely cares for animals in general; and she responded after I had responded, knowing full well that I would see her comment as it was emailed to me as an update. I was pointedly absent from her empty words of sympathy. It was a definite slight against intentional dollop of salt in a very painful wound.

She claims I am the "bad one," that I live a life she doesn't like or approve of. I am the bad influence to her children. Well, I take comfort in knowing that I would NEVER act like her. That I do not have that bitterness and evil in my soul. She will have to live with herself. Quite frankly, she is very wrong.

I take solace in the fact that I rescued Sadie (and Thomas the cat) from her. She is not worthy of owning and caring for such goodness on this earth. I am going to work hard at forgetting her negativity...I don't want it tainting the goodness of Hailey and Mocha.


Mocha always did follow Hailey around, usually barking at her, and wanted to be her little protege.  Hailey was neutral, and just kind of played along with Mocha Joe's antics.  
We have to put Mocha down today - 9 days after Hailey.  Mocha most likely has liver cancer and started rapidly declining about a week ago.  Very fast decline.  Well, now she can tag along with big H in doggy heaven...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mike Tyson is in the house...

Sitting on her throne (dads recliner) following her infamous ear biting incident.  Just call her Mike.

Damn huskies...

Trying to make Bella less beautiful.  They tore off the tip of her ear today while rough housing.  It is very difficult to wrap a dogs ear...

Thank you gifts

For the vet and nurse that helped us with Hailey.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Such a fun day!

Spent the day at the aquarium with her WA grandparents and went to dinner (ate lots of spaghetti and squash)...then bath!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Reminds me of Dressie...

Vindictive Cat free to home (portland)

Date: 2010-08-08, 11:13AM PDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

This Cat is 12 years old. It is very cute and has a long tail, so it will look good sitting in your window while you are away!

It has two looks on it's face at all times 1) surprise. 2) angry glare. It has always been vindictive and angry. It will shred your arms to the bone if picked up, so handling is not advisable. Cat will use litter box only once and then considers it soiled and will choose your chair (or elsewhere) instead. Free *1 month supply/ 5 gallon bucket of Nature's Miracle* will accompany Cat to new home. Cat hates other animals and children and people so please be an animal free and kid free and spouse/friend/roommate free home. Cat can only live with one Person. Cat hates for Person to have other people over, so you shouldn't have friends or it will pee in their purse or on their shoes. Person should be strong of mind and body and not at home much, as cat is not into interaction. Interaction with it's Person makes Cat angry, and it will vomit on your pillow in retaliation.

Cat hates to be inside too long, but will not go through doors as it hates doorways. You must chase it outside with clacking salad tongs. Cat's *favorite salad tongs will be provided for free* and will accompany Cat to new home. Cat hates to be outdoors for too long as it prefers to pee, poop and vomit on your things, it likes to do this to claim it's Person (this Person could be you!). Cat will come inside easily at dinnertime, no salad tongs necessary. Cat will vomit once during, and up to three times after dinner, usually on pillow, duvet, or laundry. Sometimes it will vomit in doorways. Sometimes it will just poop in these places. Other places Cat will poop: in front of refrigerator, in front of windows, near the litterbox, in front of teevee, on top of you if you are around for too long. Cat should not have access to any bathrooms as it hates bathmats and will destroy them on sight with a barrage of pee and poop and finally clawing it to shreds. Other things Cat will claw to shreds: arms, face, carpet, pillow, chair, laundry.

Cat has a loud obnoxious yowl to indicate when it is angry. The yowl is akin to that of a rabid zombie on the make and is quite terrifying, so you would be well advised to take heed and figure out what Cat wants. If you haven't cleaned the litterbox in less than an hour, check that first. It may want you to provide running drinking water from the faucet. It WILL get on the counters, you should not interfere or you WILL be sorry. If yowling occurs between the hours of Noon and 7:00 pm, it may require feeding. Cat will attack you for your food, so it is not advisable to eat in the house. If not fed what you are eating, Cat will knock the dishes off the table in retaliation and eat the shards of glass and porcelain that fall, so that you will be required to take it to the vet. It likes the attention from the vet. Cat will look sweet and pitiful at vet's office, and as I said before, Cat is very cute. No one will believe when you try to tell them what Cat is capable of, so don't try. They will look at you as if you are the problem. I will understand your situation and you can call me in an emergency to talk about Cat. * 1 year of free consulting and phone support * comes with Cat. I will not be available in person for support, Cat will not like it and it will escalate situation.

Other things to be aware of with Cat. Cat has LONG hair and is prone to fur balls and the vomiting of hairy, slimy bits. This can not be helped. Cat hates any glass of drinking water to be left about and will drink from it and knock it over. You should not drink water from glasses. Cat does not like for it's Person to sleep. It will walk/stand on your face with one razor sharp claw in your nostril and yowl like a zombie, so you would be well advised to stay awake and always be ready to attend to Cat. Cat weaves evil spells and makes hexes. Many do not believe this is true, but I am convinced of this fact. Cat will place spells on you while you sleep or read or watch teevee.

I think that is the bulk of the information I can provide about Cat. Cat is up to date on shots, sterilized and is physically healthy, it should live on for several more years. Please bring heavy cloth sack, a metal box or crate, face protection (I use a hockey goalie helmet) and long leather gloves when coming to pick up Cat. I will not be available to assist in transporting Cat.

Thanks for looking.

EDIT WORTHY OF NOTE: Updating ad to clarify that Cat is not abused. Cat is LOVED... from a safe distance, we are experienced animal people. You must love Cat or you will not make it long. Cat has always been uptight and has never been the subject of an abusive situation. We actively love Cat. Look how cute!! But it is hard. We do not abuse Cat with clacking tongs. Cat needs a lot of encouragement to go out, and hates when you have free tongs for you...use them as you will. No, we didn't let Cat eat shards of glass, but Cat would eat the shards if not herded off. Cat does look cute and act innocent for vet. I really didn't expect anyone to come forward to take Cat given the extent of the disclosure I have given. Offers will be the subject of careful, but unlikely, consideration given the only people who would possibly want this Cat are going to sell the poor animal to a lab or have 100 other Cats at home. We have tried it all and consulted with consultants. The cat is 12 years old for crying out loud! We are tired. If you have the perfect situation, and you know how to deal with a Cat like this one, and you are sane, write a proposal and we will give it careful scrutiny.

For those giving free advice, please bring it on! will welcome ideas - provided you know something of what you are talking about. Here's the skinny: Cat has been in care of current owner since kittenhood. Cat was in an apartment fire once - it was next door but you know, chaos and trauma ensued. Cat has always been "particular" unless in the EXACT RIGHT situation, which is with ONE Person and an "always open and never closed" Cat door to outside area. Cat will not push open a flap...hates doorways. NO other pets (poops in their food bowls). And being always catered to as if in slight fear of Cat. We have 4 cat boxes, each cleaned every day, not enough for Cat. Yes, we've tried the water fountain from Sky Mall magazine, Cat hates the fountain. Cat wants a personal fresh mountain stream or a constantly running tap. Given ALL of these things consistently, Cat will occasionally cuddle with knees at bedtime and purr loudly...lest you move with the intention to do ANYTHING. Cat will then flick the tail in your face and as I said, the tail is very long. Or Cat will pound on the bathroom door to attack the bathmat, or later in the night, your laundry (or worse). Cat is female. Cat never forgets a slight and her slights are many. She's just a weird Cat, physically healthy, gets regular checkups with vet to prove it. We have 4 other very healthy, contented and happy pets.

Thanks everyone for your concerns. Cat probably thanks you too in her way.

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