Monday, July 19, 2010


I just got a call that poor Hailey has been vomiting repeatedly so Ian is taking her back to the hospital for more fluids and then an evaluation with her internist tomorrow morning. I am afraid of what this means for her, though I am still holding out hope that we can manage her kidney failure for at least 6 more months...not ready to say goodbye to such a great dog. Unfortunately kidney disease is progressive and the best that we can do is make her comfortable. The doctor did warn us that since her disease is so advanced and on top of her other issues (Cushing's, her clotting problems, heart arrythmias, etc) , we were looking at either a rapid decline (weeks) or best case scenario 6-12 months. She will die from the kidney failure - no doubt about that. Of course, if the time comes, her comfort will trump any selfish desires (to keep her around) on my part...

I am having a lot of trouble dealing with this. Hailey was my first a first born...and has played such a large role in my adult life. She has been such a punk over the years...but a very cute one. Ian is taking this very hard as well (prob harder than I am!) because over the past few years, she has formed quite an attachment to him. She sleeps on the floor beside him each night - the opposite side from all the other dogs (and the dog beds). We always joke that she is the only dog that respects him (over me)...and only one of two pets that prefer him to me (Leo being the other).

Maybe it is a blessing that we weren't able to buy the other house and move. We are close to excellent veterinarians, and though the finances are not ideal, we are in a much better position to help her in our current home (and current budget). Though, as I have joked before, I would sell a kidney to help my furry family.

Hard to focus at work today....just feel so bad for my pup.

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