Thursday, July 1, 2010

Change in plans...

Well, looks like we are going to stay put in Philly for a bit longer. We got some bad news yesterday - Ian lost his job - so we are down to one income. On the positive side - this is better than both of us, jobless, last summer. It is a downer, however, that we can't close on the house we picked out. We will lose the ~$1000 in inspection and appraisal fees, but at least we will get our deposits back. And even worse - this horrific commute is my daily sentence for the indefinite future. I MUST order a French language series to make this time at least somewhat productive and tolerable.

We pulled our house from the market yesterday. We now have to get some of our stuff out of storage and unpack some of the things we had prepared to move. Going to be a crowded house once again. Going to have to tolerate the annoying neighbors once again.

I feel bad for Ian most of all. I also feel a tremendous amount of stress bearing the weight of supporting us financially. Keeping my fingers crossed that BMS doesn't decide to do layoffs and that Ian is able to find a new position stat. Those two months of stress-free existence were pure bliss, but I should have known it wouldn't last!


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