Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Future foodie

This little Peanut has been quite the adventurous eater for only being a little over 8 months old. She always wants to eat whatever we are eating, and I guess the peaches and zucchini were not enough for dinner last night - so she fed herself some of my spaghetti as well. She tried some steak the other day and seemed to like that as well. Oh, and egg yolk - that ranks up there with her all time favorite, mango. Gotta keep working on the veggies - I think this little girl has a sweet tooth.

She woke up extra early today - I could feel her tugging at me and making her little noises. When I finally looked over at her, there she was smiling up at me. Giggly and ready to play at 5:45am. She must have slept well because we were finally able to open the windows during the night.

Hailey is doing okay. We are starting her on another medicine and going to start a special diet for her kidney disease. Her appetite comes and goes, and her energy level overall is okay. Still barks at noises outside!

Work is getting busier, but there is some political unrest going on...can't really elaborate on that though. I think the next 6 months will be *interesting* for me. The drive is still horrid - had to hit the horn twice this morning to wake two people up! I have noticed that the worst drivers in the morning are the well-dressed men in suits, and the worst afternoon drivers are the punk-*ss music-blaring men. I see a pattern here...women are better drivers?

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