Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wild bedtime hair

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Hailey dog feeling the breeze

On her way to my parents

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Playing in bed

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Look at those two pearly whites

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Spaghetti dinner

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Crazy baby

drinking and driving again...

Sweetie Pie!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

passed out...

Future foodie

This little Peanut has been quite the adventurous eater for only being a little over 8 months old. She always wants to eat whatever we are eating, and I guess the peaches and zucchini were not enough for dinner last night - so she fed herself some of my spaghetti as well. She tried some steak the other day and seemed to like that as well. Oh, and egg yolk - that ranks up there with her all time favorite, mango. Gotta keep working on the veggies - I think this little girl has a sweet tooth.

She woke up extra early today - I could feel her tugging at me and making her little noises. When I finally looked over at her, there she was smiling up at me. Giggly and ready to play at 5:45am. She must have slept well because we were finally able to open the windows during the night.

Hailey is doing okay. We are starting her on another medicine and going to start a special diet for her kidney disease. Her appetite comes and goes, and her energy level overall is okay. Still barks at noises outside!

Work is getting busier, but there is some political unrest going on...can't really elaborate on that though. I think the next 6 months will be *interesting* for me. The drive is still horrid - had to hit the horn twice this morning to wake two people up! I have noticed that the worst drivers in the morning are the well-dressed men in suits, and the worst afternoon drivers are the punk-*ss music-blaring men. I see a pattern here...women are better drivers?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I can feed myself!

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Peanut and her kitty, Franz

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just hanging out

In the yard

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010


I just got a call that poor Hailey has been vomiting repeatedly so Ian is taking her back to the hospital for more fluids and then an evaluation with her internist tomorrow morning. I am afraid of what this means for her, though I am still holding out hope that we can manage her kidney failure for at least 6 more months...not ready to say goodbye to such a great dog. Unfortunately kidney disease is progressive and the best that we can do is make her comfortable. The doctor did warn us that since her disease is so advanced and on top of her other issues (Cushing's, her clotting problems, heart arrythmias, etc) , we were looking at either a rapid decline (weeks) or best case scenario 6-12 months. She will die from the kidney failure - no doubt about that. Of course, if the time comes, her comfort will trump any selfish desires (to keep her around) on my part...

I am having a lot of trouble dealing with this. Hailey was my first a first born...and has played such a large role in my adult life. She has been such a punk over the years...but a very cute one. Ian is taking this very hard as well (prob harder than I am!) because over the past few years, she has formed quite an attachment to him. She sleeps on the floor beside him each night - the opposite side from all the other dogs (and the dog beds). We always joke that she is the only dog that respects him (over me)...and only one of two pets that prefer him to me (Leo being the other).

Maybe it is a blessing that we weren't able to buy the other house and move. We are close to excellent veterinarians, and though the finances are not ideal, we are in a much better position to help her in our current home (and current budget). Though, as I have joked before, I would sell a kidney to help my furry family.

Hard to focus at work today....just feel so bad for my pup.

Peanut and Daddy

another great pic from Uncle Matt

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bella toy

New gift from IKEA

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G loves her new Martha Stewart ball from Petsmart

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Best dog...

We sure do love you Hailey dog.  Hopefully you will hang in there as long as you can!

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Gram and Peanut - bedtime!

Looks like Peanut couldn't stay awake til we got home from visiting Hailey in the hospital.

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Husky and pumba

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Waking up from a nap

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Peanut is eight months already!

I can't believe it! Within the past month or so she has turned into a little person...not just a baby anymore. She is expressing her opinions, reaches her arms up in the air when she wants you to pick her up, and can stand on her legs for quite a bit now. She isn't crawling, but she does rollover in both directions and is starting to lift her bum up and lift herself on her elbows when she is on her tummy...getting ready to move! She is an adventurous eater so far - loves all fruits, is a little pickier about veggies, and seemed to really like the turkey burger and turkey breast that I gave her the other day. Oh, and that disgusting cottage cheese - loves that. She gets very excited when she sees us drinking out of a glass - and insists on slurping some ice cold water from our glasses. She bites down on the glass as she drinks - pretty funny. Oh, two bottom teeth in full view now!

She continues to adore the cats and dogs and tries to grab them at any chance she can. She doesn't mind the doggy kisses from Sadie one bit. She is going to love animals as she gets older- and I will continue to teach her to respect them. Eh, who needs cousins when you have your own furry family!

I am already thinking of what to do for her first birthday...what kind of cake, how big of a party to have, what theme, etc. I already have her birthday dress (and hopefully it will actually fit her). Even if very few family members come to it (which will most likely be the case), I want to go all out and make it very special. Eh, even if it were just us and her furry siblings, it would be quite the party! It won't be her first taste of cake though, the little monkey stole a taste the other day.

She really is the perfect baby. Smart as a whip, sweet and smiley, and growing like a weed. She crinkles her nose when she smiles and giggles.

Some mornings are hard to leave for work. With Ian home now, it is even harder. I feel like I am missing out on the party and I am not terribly enthused with my job. It is a job. The commute continues to suck, and I worry that it is too much stress each day. Perhaps I would like my job more if I weren't concerned with beating traffic and dreading getting in that car?
I still haven't figured out how to make time to start exercising regularly again - if this darn commute wasn't 2.5 hrs out of my day, this wouldn't be such a difficult thing.

I dislike seeing the exit sign for Yardley off I95 twice a day - reminds me of how close we were to moving and improving our lives. I am still keeping an eye on the housing market in Yardley though...maybe someday we will actually make the move.

The dogs and cats just finished up their annual vet appointments. Hans is having some urinary tract issues and Hailey hasn't quite stabilized on her new medicine. A few challenges for the next few months. Other than that, everyone else is doing good and causing the same mayhem.

Okay, lunch break over. I have to finish up a project in the next week or so or else August and September are going to be much more difficult for me (and nearly impossible to take any vacation time). Hard to be motivated today (this week!)...

Crazy baby driver...

doesn't she look like a mad-woman driving her exersaucer? What a happy baby!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Future gardener...

…though for now only supervising Gram and Daddy

Monday, July 12, 2010

The most amazing car...

The duct tape car...couldn't believe my eyes. Duct tape bumper, windows, side panels of the car, even holding on the side mirrors. Meticulously applied...obviously a well loved vehicle. Oh duct tape...what a wonder you are. Oh NJ, how you never cease to amaze me.

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Peanut portraits

taken by Uncle Matt

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dead dog tired

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Lion ride

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Peanut enjoying a dandelion

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