Friday, July 19, 2013

First FDA meeting

Got on a train @6:30 AM Thursday morning to Washington DC 2.5 hour trip.  Went straight to the BMS Bethesda office and experienced an intense 9 hours straight of team preparation and rehearsal.  Had a very enjoyable late dinner with the team...followed by another 2 hours of work back in the hotel.  Slept about 5 hours and then back in the office for final rehearsals @7 AM prompt.  Went to the FDA for our meeting at 11 - 12.  Back to the office for debrief and presentation of topline meeting summary to senior execs...finished about 4 pm.  Delayed by the Metro and also missed my 4 pm Amtrak train.  5 PM Amtrak delayed over an hour due to mechanical issues (same reason with Metro).  Typing this as I just passed through Wilmington on my way home...finally.  The last 48 hours have been a flurry of activity, intense and challenging.  I LOVED every second of it.  Can I go again next week?  This is what a career should feel like!  And wearing a suit in DC is such a rush!

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