Sunday, July 28, 2013

Potty training!

Finally...Peanut is ready to start potty training.  She has successfully used the potty once and has peed in the grass a few times.  Diaper for the car and night time.  She likes picking out her far polka dots and hello kitty are the faves.  My big girl!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Meet "Chicken-bo-licken"

Peanut picked out her pink kitty from Build a Bear...and decided to name her Chicken-bo-licken.  She is wearing pink heels, a pink tutu, sequined halter top, and of course hello kitty underpants.  She also has a princess dress with tiara for festive occasions.

New Disney Planes toys

The newest have been watching trailers of the Disney Planes movie (similar to the Cars movie).   They are itching to see it when it comes out.

Pretty girl!

4-leaf clover

I found my first 4-leaf clover...ever!  Peanut wanted to see it.

I could use some luck, that's for sure.  Made my day!

Friday, July 19, 2013

First FDA meeting

Got on a train @6:30 AM Thursday morning to Washington DC 2.5 hour trip.  Went straight to the BMS Bethesda office and experienced an intense 9 hours straight of team preparation and rehearsal.  Had a very enjoyable late dinner with the team...followed by another 2 hours of work back in the hotel.  Slept about 5 hours and then back in the office for final rehearsals @7 AM prompt.  Went to the FDA for our meeting at 11 - 12.  Back to the office for debrief and presentation of topline meeting summary to senior execs...finished about 4 pm.  Delayed by the Metro and also missed my 4 pm Amtrak train.  5 PM Amtrak delayed over an hour due to mechanical issues (same reason with Metro).  Typing this as I just passed through Wilmington on my way home...finally.  The last 48 hours have been a flurry of activity, intense and challenging.  I LOVED every second of it.  Can I go again next week?  This is what a career should feel like!  And wearing a suit in DC is such a rush!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Chocolate chip oatmeal cookies...

Ian had a craving.  The deal was for me to mix them up and he would bake them...well, needy Chase had other plans and it turned into me making them!  Oh well, they are tasty!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sundaes on Sunday

Poor Peanut fell asleep on the drive over...but we have choc chip mint (her favorite) at home in the freezer if she wakes up.

Chase is enjoying sharing a large sundae with Daddy. The two of them can really eat!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Middle of July already...

I can't believe how time flies...when things are going well and even when you aren't really having much fun!  A friend of mine wrote on facebook that she wanted to throw a new year's eve party so that we could say goodbye to 2013 and move on to 2014...she was joking of course but I kind of think I might share the sentiment. 
I feel as if I have aged 10 years in the past year...and my skin has really started to reflect that.    I am battling a bad case of eczema on both eyelids.  A few nights, it has been so bad that I have rubbed my eyes so much they have gotten swollen and painful and I have had a lot of trouble the next morning. The flares are brought on by stress I believe, I had a case of it when finishing grad school and another time when having a very bad bought of insomnia.  This is by far the worst case of it.  In the past, I have been able to manage it and it eventually went away. I haven't been able to get it under control this time...haven't really been able to manage stress or get much sleep either, though!  I have busted out the big guns, an ointment that can only be used about 10 days before intraocular pressure needs to be monitored...not really a good idea to use a steroid based med around the eyes - the skin is so thin there.  Ah...I just want the itching to stop and to be able to wear eye makeup again!  All those dormant eye shadows...guess Peanut will have lots of makeup to play with.
On top of the eczema, I swear I sprouted a thousand evil wrinkles over night, and I attacked that with a vengeance.  I have to say, Kiehl's makes the most amazing skincare products...I am now a lifelong devotee.  My skin looks a thousand times better (I think) after a few weeks of use...well, except for my inflamed eyelids.  I am obsessed with looking younger.  I am not handling aging very well these days.

Dealing with stress...a lifelong battle I guess.  I have been described as highstrung many times in the past, and I certainly do not disagree. Yoga, pilates, and kickboxing really helped me with that in the past, as well as walking Hailey and Ginger along Kelly Drive late at night. Those years were some of my most happy days - those years during grad school living in Philly.  I want to try to get back to that place again.  I want to carve out time for myself - to take care of me.  I want to feel better about myself, and in turn, have more energy again (and hopefully feel younger again!).  I work hard all day...boy do i when I get home, I am drained but feel so guilty about not spending time with the kids.  It is a constant struggle...I feel like I have been losing at this for years.

Work...FDA meeting next week.  I am beyond excited!  Looking forward to a night alone in the hotel too ;)


Monday, July 8, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013