Friday, December 28, 2012

Not the Christmas i envisioned

It has been a rough couple of unwelcome Christmas cold/virus.  Last night was the worst poor little Chase was screaming in agony much of the night.  I think he slept for 1-2 hours...and that goes for Ian and me.  Ian hasn't been able to go to work Wed through today because he has been either exhausted or taking care of someone.  I have had zero energy ( haven't left the house since Christmas Eve) and have had a massive headache/ sinus pressure/now a sore throat.  Ian is starting to show cold symptoms...he is still hoping to maybe go into work over the weekend (unless there is snow) if he and/or the rest of us feel up to it.  Peanut is run down. This is definitely not the vacation that I planned...or needed to finish off this year.  Definitely feel like I am wasting valuable vacation days and bleeding money with Ian being out of work (damned contract work and its lack of any benefits).  We didn't get to do any holiday activities in the area this week for the kids.  It has been quite miserable in our house.
It is 2 pm...Peanut is sleeping much of the day after being up a good portion of the night and Ian is at the doctors office with Chase.  I think he has an ear infection poor poor little guy.  Really hope we get some meds that work for him, because Tylenol did zilch last night.  I hope this runs its course quickly...I would like to be able to enjoy at least part of this holiday.  I need a nap...

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