Saturday, December 29, 2012

A couple inches of snow

This is about half of it...I think we got about 3 to 4 inches.  Not looking good for it melting I guess ian and I will be shoveling out the driveway tomorrow.  Advil!  I was hoping we could get away with not having to buy a snow blower one more season...last year we lucked out but I have a hunch this year will be different.
In a way, this snow came at a good time with this house battling this cold/virus.  Chase is a little better I think- we will see if he sleeps tonight (god knows the rest of us need sleep so badly).  I am worried about Peanut though- both her eyes are now swelling in addition to a hacking cough and congestion.  If they look the same or are worse tomorrow, we may have to take her to St. Mary's.  Poor kids.  Why does this stuff happen over the weekend and over the holidays???  I am going to need a vacation from this vacation.  Ian is going to have to try to work a ton next week to try to make up for the missed days this week. Stinks- I had hoped we could spend some time least eat dinner together.  Looks like it might be single mom week for me...again, not how I expected the holidays to go.  Oh 2013, you better be a good year! 

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