Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fun filled weekend for little Moo

Saturday - we met my friend Jared for lunch at Parc, a French bistro style restaurant in center city that I have been dying to try, and then coffee for a few hours of catching up. Little Moo loved going to Parc and was showered with praise by some ladies sitting next to us. She started to get a little restless at the coffee shop but then was distracted by some fancy chandeliers in the lobby of the hotel next door.

Sunday - Moo got to try her first "real" food: a few tablespoons of a rice cereal slurry. She seemed to catch on to the spoon concept fairly easily, opening her mouth wide each time. Maybe she liked the cereal (most of it did eventually end up in her belly) or maybe she wanted to chew on the rubbery spoon tip, who knows... She also was introduced to her exersaucer (a wonderful gift from Debbie, Christie's Mom) - this was a big hit almost immediately- and her jumperoo (also a great gift - from Jared). I think those little bouts of play really wore her out because she took a few substantial naps today. Unfortunately, her schedule is very messed up and she is talking and cooing right now as I type rather than sleeping as she should be. I am going to have to get her back on track this week.

Moo LOVES Bella. Everytime she sees that goofy dog with her pink tongue lolling out of her grinning mouth she laughs. Really laughs. She doesn't mind the other dogs - even when Ginger, Sadie or Bella lick her. In fact, she turns her head towards them and opens her mouth. I shoo them away when she does that - no open mouth doggie kisses allowed, little girl!


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