Saturday, March 6, 2010

Finally joined the local library

We went to a children's party at the local library up the street from us this morning - the same place where they held the baby story time hour yesterday. It was Mexican themed in honor of a series of books about a cat that thinks it is a chihuahua. Funny books! Well, Monster Moo has very poor Spanish (even worse than her English) and thought it was siesta hour rather than a fiesta. That's okay because Ian and I finally joined the library and took out a few books to read to her. We also got a chance to talk to another couple with a 6 month girl who is very similar to Moo in size (Moo is only 4 months though!) and temperament. It will be nice to meet people like us around here. I think we will go to more of these programs in the future. It will be good for Monster and us.

After the library, we ate a little lunch and then decided to take the insane pack out for a walk. Such a nice day. Ian walked Hailey and Ginger and I pushed Moo in her stroller. The old dogs enjoyed this walk, and we took it slow for old Hailey's sake. We then changed dog teams and took the pups: Bella, Luna, and Sadie for their turn. We walked around and looked at some new houses - one of my friends from Penn is buying one and should be moving near us in April. Very excited about that! Moo slept for this leg of the trip.

Moo is presently cooing at the tv screen because Daddy has decided to continue teaching her how to play the Wii.

A very good weekend so far! Monster is enjoying getting out of this house finally!

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