Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Great News!!!!

Ian got his offer letter for the patent agent position (and gave his two weeks notice to his current hellhole) and I am to receive an offer from Bristol-Myers Squibb in the next few days!

Finally, a break from the financial stress. This has been one heck of a year, and it will take a few months to repair that damage once the new paychecks start coming in...but oh, how nice it will be in the future! Now time to return to the working world...hope it will be an easy transition.


oh, I can't post video anymore to the blog - haven't figured out why it won't post. :(

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Long day

Waiting for the bubble bath.

Snowy owl

A gift from the easter bunny at the mall. She loves owls!

Shopping with mommy

Good morning

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Getting hungry

Bath time


For cat dinner time

Dinner time


This has been a busy week. I had an interview at BMS on Wednesday. The job is okay, but I am not too optimistic that I will get it. If I don't, then I won't be terribly upset I guess. It would be fantastic to have the income (and not live by a thread each month), but the commute is kind of a nightmare. 1 -1.5 hrs north on I95 into Princeton, NJ.

The little Moo has been divalicious lately. I think she is developing a strong personality...and that damn teething business is still going on. She has been doing a very interesting laughy sound where she sucks in her breath and squeals at the same time. Too hard to describe - we will have to post a video of it. It is my favorite thing. Oh and she has started pulling my hair now. She loves if I drag my hair across her face - she laughs and opens her mouth and grabs at it.

We had a vet appointment over the weekend. Hans has irregular kidneys, and we are looking into his substantial weight loss. If his kidneys are failing, we might have to start twice weekly fluid injections. Hailey is hanging on, and we are finally going to order her medicine to treat Cushing's. Ginger is on a diet (along with most of the cats) and is starting to have some weakness in her hind limbs. We only took half the animals, which was more than enough for Ian to handle. The remaining crew will go in the next few weeks.

Other than that, I am absolutely amazed and apalled at the violence and threats being hurled at the healthcare reform supporters. Is this what American politics has devolved to? The day that people use these kinds of tactics to promote their political agenda is the day they have lost touch with the foundation upon which this country was built. Disgusting and unpatriotic in the truest sense of the word. Sarah Palin (crosshairs used to depict the "targets" of her venomous campaign) and the other hate mongers (many of whom dominate that "fair and balanced" news channel) are the antithesis of a patriot, and they hide behind snippets of our founding father's words in attempts to mask their pure hate and venom. They do not represent America or American values. They are the greatest threat to this country, and their promotion of violence against our elected officials are borderline domestic terrorism. Tea Party patriots? Huh, they seem to be adopting the violent methods of the suppression of political thought that the British used against the colonists...kind of ironic that they align themselves with the other side...

If everyone would take a second and put themselves in the shoes of those uninsured poor and debt-stricken Americans, those who have been denied coverage for pre-existing conditions, and those who have died or witnessed a loved one die from having been denied necessary healthcare due to corporate greed (oh yes, they do deny claims even if you do have "coverage")...would you still really not vote for healthcare reform? Would you not see that our current system is terrible and favors the health insurance industry? Money determines course of action, not medical need. Do we as a country really know better than all of those other civilized nations with universal health coverage? Do we really think Germany, France, and Sweden are communist socialist countries? How arrogant and broken we have become as a nation. How far away from the roots and the intentions of our founding fathers...

I truly wish all of those that are against healthcare reform never EVER experience the heartache and death that too many uninsured have experienced. I hope they always have the coverage they most likely currently have. NO ONE deserves such an ill fate in this country, even my "enemies" in political thought. And that is what makes me a proud Democrat, a proud American, and a proud compassionate human being...and gives me the ability to know right from wrong. To extinguish dissent at all costs is wrong. This reminds me of the primary tenets of this country - freedom of speech and the pursuit of happiness. My bleeding liberal heart will continue to fight and bleed for everyone's right to life...even those too poor or too ill to buy it for themselves.

Vampire baby adjusting to sunlight

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fun filled weekend for little Moo

Saturday - we met my friend Jared for lunch at Parc, a French bistro style restaurant in center city that I have been dying to try, and then coffee for a few hours of catching up. Little Moo loved going to Parc and was showered with praise by some ladies sitting next to us. She started to get a little restless at the coffee shop but then was distracted by some fancy chandeliers in the lobby of the hotel next door.

Sunday - Moo got to try her first "real" food: a few tablespoons of a rice cereal slurry. She seemed to catch on to the spoon concept fairly easily, opening her mouth wide each time. Maybe she liked the cereal (most of it did eventually end up in her belly) or maybe she wanted to chew on the rubbery spoon tip, who knows... She also was introduced to her exersaucer (a wonderful gift from Debbie, Christie's Mom) - this was a big hit almost immediately- and her jumperoo (also a great gift - from Jared). I think those little bouts of play really wore her out because she took a few substantial naps today. Unfortunately, her schedule is very messed up and she is talking and cooing right now as I type rather than sleeping as she should be. I am going to have to get her back on track this week.

Moo LOVES Bella. Everytime she sees that goofy dog with her pink tongue lolling out of her grinning mouth she laughs. Really laughs. She doesn't mind the other dogs - even when Ginger, Sadie or Bella lick her. In fact, she turns her head towards them and opens her mouth. I shoo them away when she does that - no open mouth doggie kisses allowed, little girl!


Two enemies

Brought together by their love of liver and bacon (nine lives cat food). Thomas is on the left (the bitee) and Leo on the right (the biter).

Lab begging

Lazy sunday evening

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dogs and cat in bed together

Luna, Hailey, Franz

Daddy is home!

New fav book!

Happy 4 months Annette!

Very good checkup at the pediatrician's office - 17 lbs 6 oz and 25 in. tall! She is soo big - above the 90th percentile. Got the green light to start eating rice cereal with a spoon and then veggies next month. So excited for that! I am going to have to start getting supplies together to make her baby food - no way am I going to buy it when I can make it myself so easily!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Meatless dinner success

Eggplant lasagna sans gross ricotta

Let me hold the bottle mommy!

Annette update

Recent developments:
-opens her mouth in anticipation when she sees me holding her pacifier
-more laughing
-wants to sit up (with assistance) most of the time
-definitely teething...and definitely pooping a lot along with it (burning through diaper changes so fast!)
-arching her back and pushing off of her feet when on her back
-splashing in the tub - may have to move her whale tub into the bathtub rather than the kitchen sink

Three amigos


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

After dinner...


Oh no future nose picker!

Going for a walk!

So nice outside and nice to have Daddy home while it is still light outside.

Ian's bad pets

Luna and Leo


Classic husky pose

Sweet dreams you odd beast...

Monday, March 8, 2010


Moo talking to Daddy before bed.

Pissa bird tv

Pissa (aka Cleo) is going crazy watching two mourning doves on the window edge. She dove through the blinds to get them!