Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nice cool breeze... this a sign that fall is on its way? Oh I hope so!

This kind of day just puts me in a great mood...even with the incessant heartburn and other joys of pregnancy. It is nice to feel alive again. Funny how I find fall and early winter to be the most invigorating times of year, when the rest of the world is retreating (some things even dying off). With Halloween coming up, I am soo excited. I have a great (and easy) costume idea for myself.'s a secret for now. Cannot wait for my nieces' and nephews' Halloween party - Tessa, Eve, Leif, Dawson, Ryder, and I had a lively conversation this past weekend about making this the BEST HALLOWEEN PARTY EVER. We have come up with some great new ideas this year, just need to implement them - which it seems I have all the time in the world to do these days (unemployed stay at home dog and cat mommy that I am). I have been telling the baby she should consider coming a bit early, perhaps on Halloween this year. It would be the perfect time (or at least within a few days of Halloween) because then I could throw the most amazing Halloween Birthday party for her each year. Oh what a lucky girl she would be!

Ian's birthday is on Saturday. It is his last year in the twenties. Since I have zero means to buy him a special gift this year, I am going to make him something extra special. I have decided to make him a few cakes (the boy can eat!) including a German choc cake (his request, in my opinion waaay too sweet of a cake) and a raspberry almond linzertorte. I might also make something else - perhaps strawberry cream cake? Ok, I admit it, that one might be more for me than him! Maybe a cherry chocolate mousse cake? We will see how much time I have today and tomorrow to prep such labor intensive (ie fancy) cakes!

If the weather permits, Ian would like to go to both a hot pepper festival and a Scottish festival both near my parents house on Saturday. It would be nice to run the dogs for a bit, go eat up some spice for lunch, and then head to the Scottish games in the late afternoon. Please weather, cooperate! I would like to make Ian's birthday as special as possible this year, particularly in light of how difficult this year has been. I think he needs something really good to happen, and maybe a really great birthday would help things. He is working so hard to fix up the house, study for classes, and find a job.

We are mid-way through week 30. I cannot believe it. Little miss fiesty is still kicking up a storm...I can sometimes see the ripples of her punches/kicks on my belly as I am sitting here. I am not enjoying the return of morning (all day) sickness or the fatigue or the clumsiness or the awkwardness of having a ball of a belly...but it will be worth it in the end.

Work around the house is progressing...slowly. Bedroom is quite a project and Ian is upstairs now tackling the walls (fixing deteriorating plaster so he can seal potential lead paint). I am confined to the downstairs with the pups. I will have to post pics of the finished rooms...actually, Ian is the pic poster, so I will make sure he does it.

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