Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A gift from the north

Nice cool day...

Ian is at school (on a Saturday!) giving the second half of his verbal argument in the moot court competition. He should be home soon - hopefully he will describe on the blog what exactly it entailed...I have only a vague idea. He gets to argue in front of a panel - I am sure he enjoys it!

We are nearing 33 weeks. Whoa. We met the last of the OBs in the practice at our appointment this past week. A younger man, very personable and funny (dare I say, on the cute side as well). I am so surprised, but I actually prefer both of the male physicians (even the other one that Ian described as looking like an aging porn star with longer floppy hair-I promptly smacked him for saying that), I like the older female OB well enough, but absolutely despise my primary physician. She is awful and makes me dread each appointment with her. Nothing like lecturing a pregnant woman and making her feel bad about herself each and every visit...coming from a very young, naturally stick thin, obviously never pregnant, just married woman. The nurses are great - they think I am a nut-and always are joking. I am convinced that nurses do the bulk of the work in medicine, so I am glad they are such a good crew. We will have a good time in the hospital when the time comes, I am sure, provided the evil one is not on call that day! I think I will suffer at home as long as possible to avoid seeing her if the time comes for that...

My carpal tunnel has been brutal. My right hand is numb most of the time - very difficult to be on the computer for any length of time. I frequently drop things and feel very clumsy. My left hand is sporadically numb, much of the time it happens at night. I have been unable to help Ian with painting anymore, just can't do it. Making jewelry is absolutely out of the question - disappointed with that. Heartburn is bad, just bought the largest (it is absurd) bottle of tums from Target. I even broke down and bought zantac to take when it is very bad. I was trying to avoid medications, but it has passed that point. The baby is still kicking, sometimes feels as if she is shifting entirely around. The pressure on my bladder is much worse; I feel like I am constantly running to the bathroom! Kind of funny, and much easier during the night now that we are moved back into the bedroom.

The bedroom is great! I love it! Ian did a very good job- he should post some pics. He has some minor things to finish with the trim, but all in all that room is done. The dogs and cats LOVE hanging out in the room. Since last night was so cool, there were 3-4 cats (Hans, Franz, Cleo, or Clawde) and 3 dogs (Ginger, Bella, Sadie) in bed with us at some points of the night. I know this because I am awake much of the night (sleep from about 12-2am, awake from 2-6am, then sleep 6-9am). This is a ridiculous amount of beast to share a FULL size bed. I think it would even be too much for a king-sized bed. It was cold though, and I felt bad kicking any of them off.

Ian is going to paint the second bedroom (baby's room) today. It will be a bright sunny yellow - I think the color is caribbean yellow or something like that. Can't wait! Hopefully tomorrow we can reassemble the room - I can put the crib bedding together. I really need to pack the overnight bag, get some diapers and supplies, and get the car seat ready in Mom's car. You never know...we are really approaching that time...

Oh, one more thing even though my right hand is begging me to stop... THANK YOU Demetra, and yes, you too Buck, for the fabulous crib soother. I LOVE it and will take a pic of it in the crib asap! Thank you also for the children's book...about huskies of course. Ian was very excited to see that book! It might be the first one read to the little one, I have a feeling!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Bella...fix it or match it!

When one of the dogs has one of their ears inside out, I tell them to fix it or I'll match it. Bella chose not to fix it.

Ian helping Puma check his mail now

Or are they downloading risque kitty pictures?

Luna checking her email

She wonders why no one pets her on Dogbook...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 31...

begins with a sore throat and really bad carpal tunnel. If you never experience carpal tunnel, you are a lucky person. It affects every aspect of daily life - makes opening jars nearly impossible, wakes you up in the middle of the night, and prevents you from doing just about any household chore. My hands (especially the right hand) are numb/tingling/burning now as I type, so this is it for today's post!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sadie has a boo-boo

We noticed a sore on her paw a few days ago, and she seems to be licking it and making it worse. Ian decided to play Doctor tonight: one bandage, five feet of tape, adhesive wrap, neosporin, three bites, 15 scooby snacks (to occupy the jaws and prevent 3+ bites), and one pissed off dog later...

He will have to do this all over again tomorrow to change the bandage.

Birthday cake for all!

This monster cake (two tier 9 x 13") is actually two cakes in disguise. The one half is chocolate cake with raspberries and a raspberry cream filling and the other half is vanilla cake with strawberries and strawberry cream. Swiss meringue buttercream covered the entire thing with strawberries as the finishing touch.

Ian's Birthday began with a hearty breakfast. We then met my Mom and went to the Chili Pepper Festival in Topton. He LOVES that festival and was itching to go since we missed it last year. He said he tasted the hottest thing ever this year - it made him hiccup and eyes water. Didn't buy that one! Fortunately, the rain broke for the hour that we were there - no lines or crowds so we cruised through fairly quickly though the mud was awful. So glad we were able to go-Ian really like it.

We sang Happy Birthday at my sister's, with my Mom and Dad, Nicole and Jamie, the kids: Ryder, Eve, Tessa, Dawson, Leif, Sawyer, Griffin, Maeve, and Aspen and friends Sarah and Sophia. We forgot our camera, so I took pics with Nicole's camera...will post as soon as I get them. Everyone got to pick their cake, and the kids loved the fresh strawberries. Only a little bit left for Ian to eat the next day, in addition to his German chocolate cake!

Happy Birthday Ian!!!

Ian's request: German chocolate cake. He is going to eat the entire thing by himself.

Birthday breakfast

By request, bacon and blueberry pancakes.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nice cool breeze...

...is this a sign that fall is on its way? Oh I hope so!

This kind of day just puts me in a great mood...even with the incessant heartburn and other joys of pregnancy. It is nice to feel alive again. Funny how I find fall and early winter to be the most invigorating times of year, when the rest of the world is retreating (some things even dying off). With Halloween coming up, I am soo excited. I have a great (and easy) costume idea for myself. Shhh...it's a secret for now. Cannot wait for my nieces' and nephews' Halloween party - Tessa, Eve, Leif, Dawson, Ryder, and I had a lively conversation this past weekend about making this the BEST HALLOWEEN PARTY EVER. We have come up with some great new ideas this year, just need to implement them - which it seems I have all the time in the world to do these days (unemployed stay at home dog and cat mommy that I am). I have been telling the baby she should consider coming a bit early, perhaps on Halloween this year. It would be the perfect time (or at least within a few days of Halloween) because then I could throw the most amazing Halloween Birthday party for her each year. Oh what a lucky girl she would be!

Ian's birthday is on Saturday. It is his last year in the twenties. Since I have zero means to buy him a special gift this year, I am going to make him something extra special. I have decided to make him a few cakes (the boy can eat!) including a German choc cake (his request, in my opinion waaay too sweet of a cake) and a raspberry almond linzertorte. I might also make something else - perhaps strawberry cream cake? Ok, I admit it, that one might be more for me than him! Maybe a cherry chocolate mousse cake? We will see how much time I have today and tomorrow to prep such labor intensive (ie fancy) cakes!

If the weather permits, Ian would like to go to both a hot pepper festival and a Scottish festival both near my parents house on Saturday. It would be nice to run the dogs for a bit, go eat up some spice for lunch, and then head to the Scottish games in the late afternoon. Please weather, cooperate! I would like to make Ian's birthday as special as possible this year, particularly in light of how difficult this year has been. I think he needs something really good to happen, and maybe a really great birthday would help things. He is working so hard to fix up the house, study for classes, and find a job.

We are mid-way through week 30. I cannot believe it. Little miss fiesty is still kicking up a storm...I can sometimes see the ripples of her punches/kicks on my belly as I am sitting here. I am not enjoying the return of morning (all day) sickness or the fatigue or the clumsiness or the awkwardness of having a ball of a belly...but it will be worth it in the end.

Work around the house is progressing...slowly. Bedroom is quite a project and Ian is upstairs now tackling the walls (fixing deteriorating plaster so he can seal potential lead paint). I am confined to the downstairs with the pups. I will have to post pics of the finished rooms...actually, Ian is the pic poster, so I will make sure he does it.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy 30 weeks to us!

Peach almond cream trifle

Sunday, September 6, 2009

tomorrow is 30 weeks...

Oh Target, how you taunt me! 20% off great baby stuff this week. I really really want NEED to find a job.

Starting to feel nauseous and tired once again...feels like 1st and early 2nd trimester all over again. Threw up again this morning. Not sleeping (probably 3-4 hours per day). Ugh. Tomorrow is 30 weeks.


Friday, September 4, 2009


Is helping me study...