Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blog is caught up from the past 6 months...whew! Back to real time postings....

Pic of baby boy from yesterday's ultrasound.   He failed his nonstress test so had to have the ultrasound - gave me the chance to get another look at him.  Might be the last time.  We have another nonstress test tomorrow that if he passes, I won't get the opportunity to see him again until he is born.  I have a scheduled c section of June 2 930 AM in case I don't go into labor sooner.  Crazy to think that is only a couple of days away.  Nothing is ready - bag isn't packed, crib isn't set up, and so many other details.  Ian has lots of court this week too.  Oh well.
Hands are numb...end of post!

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