Thursday, June 27, 2013

Summer cold

A summer cold virus has knocked me off my feet this entire week.  I've had a lot of work to do, so I have still gone in, but as soon as I have gotten home, been crashing upstairs.  Not that I have been sleeping though...still having trouble sleeping despite being wiped out.  5 hours is the most i have gotten in well over a month...must be one of the reasons my immune system is struggling to kick this virus. Last night I slept on and off, but I had a slight fever so the cold sweats kept waking me up.  Been drinking gallons of water to try to soothe my throat.  What the heck, why do I get a cold at the start of summer?  No one else has it (yet) and I hope it stays that way.  This has not been the best of weeks...yesterday afternoon I was eating a peach for my afternoon snack and broke off a piece of my front tooth!  Awesome dentist squeezed me in so I went straight there after work and got it fixed for now...will need a crown or veneer the next time it chips (broke that tooth as a kid and it periodically has chipped over the years).
On the bright side this week, I made my travel arrangements to go to my first FDA meeting in mid July.  I am super excited and have been working my tail off trying to do a good job prepping for the meeting. So excited!  Also part of the reason couldn't take any sick time this week.  I really really like regulatory strategy.  I hope I have a successful career in this as I finally think I know what I want to be when I grow up!

Another bright thing this week - the Supreme Court rulings on DOMA and Prop 8 were fabulous news.  One important step towards marriage equality.  Don't understand why someone would want to block others from being happy, from being in love with the person of their choice, what business is that of anyone else!  Seriously, as if straight people have figured out the secret to successful marriages.  Right...we all know that is BS.  I have dear friends that have a better relationship than I have ever had...yet they are not allowed to marry...crazy.  Whether Peanut or Chase are straight or gay, it doesn't matter.  And if anyone says it isn't OK, they have one angry momma bear to deal with.  I will love them for who they are and whoever they love...I have zero tolerance for anyone who does not feel the same.

My final political rant of the day...yay for Wendy to ahole Gov. Perry.  Generally, let's get rid of Texas.

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