Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Peanut's first real sickness

We've been lucky - Peanut has only caught one or two very minor bugs in her 2 years...but she sure is paying the price now for that.  Poor girl has a bad cold and is quite miserable.  It started as a fever for about 2 days and then the snotty nose came on.  Now her eyes are crusting over each night, her nose is sore and constantly running, and she has complained once about her ear hurting.  If I hear the ear complaint again, I will schedule a doc appt.  Otherwise we wait it out.  We are being so careful with Chase.  He is already fighting that low level congestion, he doesn't need this nasty cold on top of it.  He is 8 weeks old with barely an immune system (and nothing passed from me to him since he is on formula) I noticed he has been a little cranky tonight...hoping he isn't starting to get it too.

Peanut still cries out for daddy in the night.  I have been able to comfort her somewhat the past night but Mommy is still second fiddle.  I imagine the same thing will happen with Chase when I have to return to work.  I just can't win - have to work so we can survive but then I lose out on so much with these guys.  Ian just doesn't get that sometimes...working Moms are the most under-appreciated, misunderstood, overworked segment of the population.  Now add onto that being the sole income earner and keeper of all household things...just a tremendous amount of is what keeps me up late at night instead of sleeping.

It's been 3 days into the new year, have to hold out hope 2012 will be a good year.  Ugh...just remembered in exactly 4 weeks I go back to work!  Not a pleasant thought.

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