Saturday, August 27, 2011


I wasn't feeling very well all day yesterday - massive headache and some cramping....I'm thinking it is due to the weather (pressure changes) due to the impending hurricane Irene.  Still feeling crappy and didn't get much sleep at all last night.  Ian didn't either because we remembered late last night that all the window ac units and fans in the Philly house were still in the windows...not good in hurricane winds with no one in the house. So in the middle of the night he had to go and close everything up in Philly.  We still have to wind proof around here before the storm comes.  I am really hoping we don't get water in the basement because we haven't moved anything out of there...water in the basement would be disastrous.  And I am rather useless in moving anything these days so it is just Ian.  I had wanted to install a sump pump in case of water coming in the basement, but with Ians lack of work and these cursed double mortgages...wasn't going to happen.  As soon as we get through this Irene business, I have to get both of our cars into the garage...Ians is leaking fluids and mine is making an odd noise.  Getting by as usual it seems...
I have almost lost sensation in all my fingers...ah, pregnancy, how I hate you and you hate I am ending this now.
Hoping for an uneventful hurricane...keeping those fingers and paws crossed.

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