Friday, July 8, 2011

Peanut - 20 months old

Peanut is just about 20 months now... no longer a baby and now a little girl. Her vocab is great - lots of words and repeating words we say (guess I better watch the cuss words now). She recognizes and seems to love the letter "o" and likes to listen to the alphabet song and to us counting to 5. She recognizes some colors - likes to say the word purple. Still obsessed with ladybugs, but her new pink ball is giving them a run for their money. She loves the dogs and cats - has known each of the dogs names for quite awhile now and likes to help feed them at night (this sometimes entails dumping their kibble on the ground so that they are more inspired to eat) and distributes their bowls one at a time while saying their name (like I do when I feed them). She really loves the labs - climbs on them and hugs them often. She thinks Sadie is silly most of the time and imitates her growling. She likes to pull fur from Luna and then hand it to me. Luna doesn't seem to care one bit. She has a love/hate relationship with the big black cat Clawde (aka Pumba) but we all feel that way about him. He lays on her often and she puts him in headlock holds. Leo makes her bust out laughing when he does his weird tricks. The rest of the cats elicit high pitched squeals/screams (there is nothing like it in the world) while she runs after them, chasing them inevitably into the basement.

Peanut is still a bit of a chicken - (oh, she cock-a-doodle-doos when you say the word chicken -even when talking about the cooked dinner kind of chicken) and is afraid to try lots of new things. She won't walk in the yard and prefers to play in the driveway - not sure why she doesn't like grass! She refuses to sit in her swing or play on her slide. I think she is still a little behind in the motor skills, although she is starting to run around upstairs at night during naked time (after bath, before bed). Gram seems to think potty training will be easy with her - she is very aware of diapers and every now and then will try to put diapers on something...Ginger the large choc lab or her stuffed pink duck. She has become a very picky eater although she still eats berries and spinach.

She definitely needs to get out more and meet people. We went to dinner with friends last weekend and she was more shy than she has been in the past. She really only knows 4 people in this world - Momma, Dadda, Gram, and Pop. She doesn't get to play with anyone else! There is a swim club about half a mile from our house - really nice toddler pool and play area but it is kind of expensive so I have been hesitant to join. I am thinking of finding and going to a local moms group this summer to try to expose her to other kids...and it would be nice to meet other working mothers and possibly make some friends in the area. It would probably greatly improve her socially and physically. I know she is happy and not lonely one bit (who would be with all these living breathing furry friends running around) but I guess I am lonely for her. More people need to meet and get to know this adorable smart little girl! The girl needs to share her cuteness with the world!

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