Thursday, January 20, 2011

Not enough time...

I am really starting to feel the effects of this commute, working, the dogs, and Peanut... there seems to be a never-ending list of things to do, too little accomplished each day, and a diminishing amount of free time/joy in each day! The commute has not gotten easier, despite what everyone seems to insist will happen. I am 100% certain that NJ drivers are the worst drivers in the country - old, young, men, women...they don't signal, they tailgate you to an inch of your life, and they cut you off repeatedly. I almost was sideswiped by a pickup truck yesterday while driving on I95...for no reason other than he needed to be a lane swapper. 2.5 - 3 hours of stress day in and day out...

I shouldn't have taken a peek at real estate in Yardley this afternoon...just depressed me to know that I am stuck in my current locale with no end in sight to this commute.

Sleep has been terrible lately because the rest of the house is in a different sleep pattern than I am...they stay up later and get up later while I stay up later and get up earlier. Peanut is particularly boisterous right around my bedtime (ie after her supposed bedtime).

I try to give the dogs as much attention as I can...but I am not doing as good with that as I would like...makes me feel terribly guilty because those dogs would give anything to spend more time with me!

Work is starting to get tedious, as I have realized that the work is not distributed evenly most of the time...and I seem to be getting the short end of the stick.

Some old friends from high school lost their 9 year old son to cancer ~ 1 week ago...a very upsetting thing indeed. He (and the entire family) fought like hell for 2 years...but now he is in peace and cancer free. He really loved animals, especially dogs, and I selfishly like to think he might check in on my Hailey and Mocha sometime. A fantastic little boy!

I am really venting...seems like there is a whole bunch of bad happening this start to 2011. Perhaps I need a vacation! Or more time to spend working on some arts and crafts - playing with sparkly things and melting metal. I am greatly looking forward to starting another jewelry/metalsmithing class with my friend...starts next week!

Shoot, got a fire to put out literally 5 minutes before I am supposed to walk out the door!


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