Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Peanut is sick

Peanut is very sick - had a high fever yesterday and is extremely congested (not the runny nose kind, but the in the lungs kind). She sounds and looks horrible. Her appetite is down, and she isn't as active. Trying to make sure she keeps drinking. Took her to the pediatrician this morning and they prescribed albuterol to be administered 4x a day with a nebulizer/face mask. It is horrible. Peanut hates it. Ian has to give it to her because I cannot...too traumatic. She is terrified of it and kicks and screams the entire time.

The Ped is worried that this might be the start of chronic breathing issues - ie maybe asthma in a few years. We have to start being extremely careful with the amount of pet dander in the house - going to have to get a HEPA air purifier for the bedroom and vacuum daily. As if there isn't enough daily cleaning to be done! I guess I will have to squeeze out another hour from the day.

I stayed home from work today but didn't have my laptop so have to take the day as a vacation day. Probably going in to work tomorrow but then working from home Thursday so I can go along to her Ped appointment to see if she is getting better. It really sucks seeing her so sick.

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