Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Busy busy

I have been fighting a nasty cold since the weekend. Not good timing bc we are trying to get the kitchen together before Peanut's birthday party and I am slammed at work until Thanksgiving. Peanut is spending a few days at my parents - partly because we have no functional kitchen (no sink!) until Friday and partly because I am trying to avoid giving her my germs. She seems to be having a great time with Gram and Pop. My Dad gave her animal crackers and read books to her last night and my Mom is carting her around on errands and spoiling her rotten. I don't think Peanut misses us a bit!

I finally ordered the balloons and paper plates/cups for her birthday - they are really cute with an owl on them (Look whoooo's turning 1 theme). I am making her an owl cake and then making lots of other goodies too. Lots to do in the next two weeks!

A high school friend has a son with brain cancer. I met the little boy (9 yrs old) a while back - truly a great kid. They are having a benefit/fundraiser to help with the medical costs/bills next weekend and I am going to help with the setup etc. They are raffling off baskets of items and I am donating some jewelry things - have a great idea in mind that I need to finish up this weekend. busy busy.

My enameling class is fantastic. I love this technique more than almost anything else I have done - almost as much as working with charcoal drawings. I cannot wait to carve out some time and make some real stuff!

Well, I have much to do the rest of this day...

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