Sunday, June 13, 2010

Happy 7 months, Peanut!

Yesterday was Peanut's 7 month birthday. We celebrated by giving her a taste of orange (she loved it) and a tiny taste of Daddy's blueberry tart. I think she got a sugar rush from those little bits because she was wild and wooly until well past her bedtime. I think I fell asleep before she did (~10pm). We had to drop off our second deposit check in the afternoon, so we drove to Yardley and had lunch and drove past the new house. I want to move in tomorrow! The neighborhood is so nice. There is a path through the woods that leads directly to the canal - where it joins the canal path into the main town (little as it is). The Delaware River is beautiful - I hope I still say that when we see a major flood (which is inevitable I guess with the predicted hurricane season this year). We stopped at the bakery where Ian proceeded to buy waaay too much junk food. I think that might become a regular stop for him on the weekends. We had lunch at the Canal Street Grille - owned by a Greek family. Demetra - we will have to take you there of course. The Greek salad and chicken gyro were good - pita was very good.

Peanut is now eating a fruit based lunch and then vegetables with rice or oat cereal for dinner. She loves fruit - watermelon, apples, pears, mango, banana - must have a serious sweet tooth. Kiwi was a big no! Vegetables are okay so far - likes zucchini, parsnips, and yellow squash. I have to try sweet potatoes and carrots this week. It has been very easy to make her food so far, and I do not anticipate needing to buy the jarred stuff. She is fairly easy going in her food preferences.

She has two teeth - her bottom front. She isn't babbling much yet and still isn't rolling over by herself, but she loves to sit up and play and blow raspberries.

What a cute baby!

I feel sorry that there are people that have chosen to never get to know her. Their loss and I hope they regret it someday! She is a great little baby!

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