Monday, May 17, 2010

Get over yourself...and act like the adult you are supposed to be.

My sister has officially burned the last peace branch that I am willing to extend. To put it bluntly, she is crazy and cannot get past her childhood. She is riddled with insecurities and jealousy. She is afraid to directly address any issue, particularly with me. Nicole, your fears and anger will bring you nothing but sadness. Believe me, I know this from experience.

Yes, the kids like (or is it now liked?) me - their Aunt Mer. Yes, they enjoyed the things I did for them, and they will miss out on future opportunities that I could have given to them. I didn't realize offering to buy Ryder a car when he turned 16 was an awful and insulting thing to do. Yes, I have a beautiful daughter that Nicole will never get to know. Her choice. I am sorry that Nicole cannot see Annette for who she is, as I have looked past my issues with Nicole to see each of her children for who they are. Petty and vindictive to punish the child for the mistakes of the adults. I feel very sorry for Nicole that she cannot evolve and grow, and that she is teaching her children hatred and isolation. Though I no longer wish to be dragged into Nicole's melodrama (which has repeatedly reared its ugly head in each of her pregnancies), I will NEVER turn away any of my nieces and nephews. Nicole cannot control them forever, and I will be there in the future should they need me. Since I am no longer allowed to see them, I am hoping they read this (can't control computer access forever!)

To Ryder, Eve, Dawson, Tessa, Leif, Sawyer, Griffin, Maeve, Aspen, and whoever else comes along: I love each of you. You are my family and always will be. Contact me if you ever need anything...and I mean anything. I am sorry that you have such a fractured family. It is not my choice to stay away from you.

-Marie (Aunt Mer - always!)

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