Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wedding drama...

Weddings are supposed to be happy celebrations...but far too many times they are not. It seems that everyone has expectations as to how they should go...everyone offers opinions (often at times when it is too late to do anything about it)...but few actually help. It takes sooo much effort to plan these things, particularly when on a shoestring budget.
We are beyond our means...things have come up that are outside of the budget, and we have nothing more to give. We are poor and in debt. I really don't know what we are going to do about this...and frankly I am sick and tired of the stress of dealing with this. The planning is ruining many aspects of life. The stress is unbelievable...and to think that all of this would be over if we had just sticked to our original plans to go to St. Thomas. Close friends and family wanted to come, the plans had been made (very simple as they were), and deposits were paid...everything was on track. How to recover now?

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