Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Itty bitty string

When life is difficult, no desire to record those moments...no desire to blog.  This has been another rough spell.  It isn't over either...just another bought of insomnia has brought me to the ends of the Internet and so I am bored and here I have landed.  I need a distraction so here I am...capturing a few thoughts.  So I can remember the bitter when the next round of sweet comes around...which I am hoping comes around sometime soon.  Feeling like I am being tethered by a piece of string.  Hoping it is made from a piece of resilient and deceptively beautiful silk.  I have a newfound appreciation for a spider, throwing itself out there, held by a thread, hoping the winds take him to a safe landing (Please don't land on me of course). Enough of this crazy middle of the night talk.  I will be a zombie for work.  One of these days my string is going to break, hope the free fall is short and the landing is soft.  Hoping it doesn't break tomorrow at work ;)