Tuesday, November 30, 2010

If by helping you mean...

Taking my pens and throwing my books on the floor then yes miss Moo you are helping .me study.

Helpful, isn't she?

Undecorating the tree..

Monday, November 29, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Even more Moo and the light dog

More Moo and the light dog

Moo and the light dog

Lazy animals

Didn't lift a paw to help set up the tree.

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Christmas tree

Will it be child and puppy proof enough?  

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Helping set up the tree

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Setting up the Christmas tree

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Five dog bed

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving pies

Pumpkin, pecan, and almond cherry.  
On a bad note, Peanut has a fever...poor girl isn't acting like herself at all.
Online shopping for me tonight...oh well.

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Best gravy ever

According to Ian...I don't really eat the stuff.  I loved the roasted Brussels sprouts (Ian ate some of those because they had bacon too).   Peanut didn't eat much.  She has a slight fever and has been grumpy much of the day.  Maybe pumpkin pie will cheer her up later.

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More begging

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Happy thanksgiving!

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bath and bed time

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Now Ginger's turn to be a lap dog...

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Cuddly Luna

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Lap dogs

I think the dogs missed me...

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Peanut's first balloon

She managed to sucker one out of Daddy while we were shopping for our turkey at the grocery story.

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I miss a king sized bed

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


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On the beach before we catch a plane this afternoon

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Enjoying herself

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